Dedicated internet vs shared internet connection
March 31, 2024

What is the Difference Between Dedicated Internet vs Shared Internet Connection?

Are you confused about the differences between dedicated internet and shared internet connection? Well, one of the most common questions asked by internet users or those considering getting a new internet connection is the difference between a dedicated and a shared internet line. 

Shared internet lines and dedicated internet lines offer completely different user experiences. This is why it is crucial to know about the differences before purchasing a new internet connection.

To identify the key differences between a dedicated internet connection and a shared internet connection keep on reading this blog.

What Is a Dedicated Internet Connection?

A dedicated internet connection refers to the fact that this connection is not shared with anybody else and a dedicated physical connection to the user’s location established by the ISP. This type of connection is delivered via Ethernet or private-line circuits.

The ISP allocates a specific amount of bandwidth to the user based on their subscription plan. This bandwidth is dedicated solely to the user and is not shared with other users, ensuring consistent and reliable performance for applications including email, file sharing, data backup, video, web hosting, VOIP, and cloud services.

While it usually comes with a higher price tag, this option offers top-notch network security features ideal for mid to large-sized businesses as the providers offer additional threat defenses along with faster speeds than many shared-access alternatives.

Because of service level agreements (SLA), dedicated internet access ensures that users have the finest internet experience possible. This gives business owners peace of mind and reliability. Especially if the majority of their essential operations depend on maintaining a connection to the Internet, which guarantees their operations will continue no matter what happens.

If your company is heavily reliant on the internet then you should opt for dedicated internet. Here, Carnival Internet is providing its best dedicated internet connection that maintains consistent bandwidth to give you a better experience in your regular usage.

What Is a Shared Internet Connection?

A shared internet connection is very similar to a broadband internet connection you use at house. In connections like these all customers share bandwidth. Shared internet is when your connection is routed through a router or splitter and distributed among surrounding customers.

For example: If you pay for a 10 Mbps shared connection then it is most likely to receive a lot less bandwidth during the hours of high business traffic. Now think about all the times you were facing severe internet issues, your video calls were lagging and the downloads were taking ages. It is most likely that during those times you were using a shared internet connection.

How Do Dedicated Internet and Shared Internet Differ When It Comes to Usage?

When it comes to usage, dedicated internet and shared internet differ drastically. Shared internet vs dedicated internet is a popular debate amongst internet users. So, if you are wondering how they differ when it comes to usage then keep on reading!


While purchasing an internet connection it is essential to keep the price point in mind. The price of a shared internet connection and the price of a dedicated internet connection vary tremendously.

A shared internet connection is quite budget-friendly and anyone with even the smallest budget can purchase it. If you are on a budget then a shared internet connection is the best option for you. Most home users don't need an extremely fast, high-end internet connection so they opt for the shared connection.

However, if you are someone for whom the budget is not applicable then you can think about getting a dedicated internet connection. Even though the dedicated internet connection costs more, the service is impeccable. So, if you get a dedicated internet connection you will be satisfied with the service. 

2. Type of User

When it comes to the type of internet connection you are considering getting, the most crucial factor is the type of user. As bizarre as it might sound, the type of user has a huge impact on the type of connection you should get.

dedicated internet vs shared internet - Carnival Internet

If you are someone who doesn't use the internet much or if you just use it while surfing social media or watching YouTube videos then there is no point in purchasing a high-end connection like a dedicated internet connection. A dedicated internet connection won't do much for you as you don't use the internet for any kind of extensive work. So, if you are someone who uses the internet for simple things then opting for a shared connection is the wise decision. 

However, if you are someone who plays in online competitive games or does live streams then a shared internet connection will become your worst nightmare. So, if you want to play competitive online games, do live streams or things like that then you need a dedicated internet connection as it is a lot faster and you won't have to face any lagging or other issues.

3. For Business or For Home?

Another thing you have to take into consideration is if you are getting the connection for your home or for your business. If you are getting the connection for your home then you won't exactly require the fastest or the best kind of internet connection. 

If you are going to be using the internet connection for home then you will probably be using the connection for simple things like downloading movies, attending online classes or surfing the internet. In any of those cases, you won't require a dedicated internet connection.

However, if you are someone who is getting an internet connection for a business or for business purposes then it is best if you get a dedicated internet connection as it provides a more reliable service and it will ensure that you are not facing any lagging internet during important business meetings.

Besides, adding managed firewalls and utilizing cloud-based security features can greatly improve your network's overall security. Here, a dedicated internet connection keeps your business data safe, along with strong cybersecurity.

Most offices require a dedicated internet line as it ensures better internet performance. If you want to try out a dedicated Internet connection for your business then you can check out Carnival Internet as you can even customize your internet package according to your needs even if you are using dedicated internet.

If we put all the above information into a table, it will look like this:

Differences between shared internet and dedicated internet - Carnival Internet

Shared Internet vs Dedicated Internet (Pros & Cons)

Both shared internet and dedicated internet connection have a ton of pros and cons. These pros and cons can often help us decide which connection we want to opt for. Here's a list of pros and cons of shared internet connection and dedicated internet connection:

Shared Internet Connection Pros:

- A lot less expensive
- Can provide proper cyber security if handled properly
- Perfect for homes

Shared Internet Connection Cons:

- Lags a lot
- Inconsistent bandwidth and speed

Dedicated Internet Connection Pros:

- Perfect for gamers, businesses, streamers
- Provides a ton of cybersecurity
- Super fast
- Can be customized

Dedicated Internet Connection Cons:

- Incredibly expensive
- Complex installation process



Shared internet vs dedicated internet is something people often wonder about. A lot of the time people are confused about what type of internet connection is best suited for them.

At times such as those, having a proper idea regarding the connections makes it a lot easier. Because if you are well aware of the pros and cons and also what shared internet and what dedicated internet is then it will be easier for you to decide. This blog gives you an overall idea regarding shared internet and dedicated internet.

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